
food, fitness, and my (somewhat) healthy & entertaining life

Your Eyes Do Not Deceive You



I am not really sure where I have been for the past month but after talking to some family and friends they were wondering why I haven’t blogged so I thought I would update you guys!

So let’s back track….. Here is what has been going on with me.ImageImage

The one armed handstand is a must in the circles I run in so… there I feel as if I accomplished and proved so much yet so little with that.

Okay so that was just a brief summary… I guess I should just mention that life has continued as normal except…




These have pretty much been the two things I see the most of. Snow followed by beer, followed by more snow…and more beer. Winter in Nebraska people, I am open to suggestions of better healthier things to do whilst all my Southerners frolic in the sun. Emma does enjoy the snow though!


As for the crossfit portion of this blog. The Open is here. For many of you this means nothing, but if you are a fellow crossfitter you have survived 13.1 (the WOD above) and are awaiting Wednesday for the arrival of the next.

Okay a brief picture of what I am talking about. The Reebok Crossfit Games happen in California in the summer where the “fittest on earth” convene and compete and do all kinds of amazing things that most of us mere mortals will never achieve. BUT in case you had any doubts…. they give us the OPEN. The open is where any crossfitter can go online and register, do the workouts that are released (1 every week for 5 weeks) and compare themselves with crossfitters worldwide. It is ridiculous. I completed 150 reps and currently sit at #933 out of maybe 30,000-40,000. And let me just say… that WOD was a doozie absolutely brutal. Burpees are not my fasted movement so even though I can snatch over 100# I only made it to that set with less than a minute left and missed my one attempt. I ALMOST tried it again a few days after my first attempt but decided against putting myself through that again!Image

And even though daylight savings time has kept me awake longer than usual…. Emma says it is time for bed!

Hopefully I am back on the blogosphere for a while. Thanks to everyone who voiced their interest in me getting back to it 🙂 So there you have it burpees and beer, no box jumps. They were part of the workout Sunday but I got 2 miles from my house in the snow and turned around…. Southern for life! I am that person driving 45 on the interstate so go around me. Or better yet, what if it just DIDN’T SNOW IN MARCH!!!! (can you tell I am bitter?) My pasty skin needs sunlight ASAP.

Have a great week!

Author: burpeesboxjumpsandbeer

I am a 23 year old Georgia native living in the Cornfields of Nebraska with my husband and ever irritating dog Emma. Graduate of Georgia State University with a B.S. in Nutrition. Current full time Graduate Student and Dietetic Intern at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Taking on a healthy, fit life one day at a time!

7 thoughts on “Your Eyes Do Not Deceive You

  1. Burpees beer and one hand handstands. I think that makes up for the lack of box jumps, hehe. Good luck with the open, some of my CrossFit friends are doing that, but I really don’t know much about it this year bc I don’t have as many CrossFit friends IRL here since moving. Can’t wait to read more soon, was wondering where you’d been, glad to see ya back in my reader!

  2. A – your dog is SUPER cute! B – I can’t even imagine a one arm handstand yet — guess I’ll have to practice that with the other million things I need work on haha!! Congrats on the 150 — I just got an 80# PR the week before and somehow managed to get 27 of the 30 @ 75# — I’m shocked still. New fan from Karli’s page! Can’t wait to see how you do with 13.2 🙂

  3. welcome back! the emma pics are priceless. congrats on your one-arm handstand! hope it gets warmer for you soon. i can’t imagine a whole winter of snow.

  4. Hey hey!! How are you?! It’s been a while since you posted! 🙂 That handstand is very impressive, btw! 🙂


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