
food, fitness, and my (somewhat) healthy & entertaining life


I Made It To Thanksgiving… Pretty Much

Hello all! My goal for the past month or so has been to just make it to Thanksgiving, and I am happy to say that…. as of tonight I did! I had my last test tonight and edited a whole 100 page dissertation over the weekend (not mine, I was paid to edit for an English as a second language PhD student).

Other accomplishments included seeing Skyfall Saturday night, going to bed at 9:30 the last 2 nights, and strength work on Sunday (150# back squat 5reps x 3 :), and today’s lunch.

I love eating out of season fruit and pretending it is summer. Okay, it would have been super impressive if I had finished that but I only ate like 5 of the sushi rolls after the salad and fruit and was done. I wasn’t a huge fan of the cream cheese with the smoked salmon, sounded great… not really though. I went to Wohlner’s for the salad bar BUT they were out of proteins.. I mean not even boiled eggs. I was sure the salad wouldn’t fill me up so I picked up the sushi but I think I would have been fine without it :/ I hate wasting food so much but sushi doesn’t really carry well to class.

I also completed “Karen” in 7:12 on Sunday. If you are not a crossfitter you may not be familiar with Karen… 150 Wall Balls for time. Or as I like to call it….UGGHH. I despise wall balls… I don’t really know why, but I ALWAYS complain about them for at least 15 minutes before I actually have to do them. Anyhow, I finished well before the 10 min cutoff and well before I imagined I would! Woo HOOOO for another record board time πŸ™‚

Today’s workout was a fun one with some scaling options

I used the prescribed weight of 83# (pretty heavy for my OH squat) but I had to do bar jumps instead of muscle-ups because…. those scare the hell out of me and if I could ever just get my darn pull-ups MAYBE I could move on to other things….

Saturday’s workout was a good one too…

I scaled my weight to 85/105/115 and finished in 10:40… the 115# hang cleans and push jerks were one rep at a time πŸ™‚

And tomorrow morning I am off to NYC to visit my dad! My sister and brother-in-law are already there so it should be QUITE a week. Lots of adult beverages and karaoke I expect πŸ™‚ I know you may have heard about the extremely small yet very expensive apartments in Manhattan and I want to inform you that it is not a rumor…. With all 5 of us in Dad’s apartment it will be a bit like… camping except trendier and next to Central Park.

Speaking of trendiness…

I know right… pleather! But let’s face it… I am too poor at this point in my life to afford any leather other than this Target jacket, BUT I love it. And come on… I kind of look like a badass especially with my zebra print. P.S. I do not, repeat DO NOT actually have a double chin in real life, it was the angle or something… promise.

A little sad about leaving the Nugget for Thanksgiving 😦 I always miss her when we leave!

And also, I am hitting up the Reebok 5th Avenue CF gym to check it out and do a WOD. Hopefully I can get my butt up and go at 7am on Wednesday… alright, I said it so now I have to do it! I will definitely update you all on how it goes!Β 

Are you traveling for Thanksgiving? Where? Or are you just chilling at home?Β 

Here is a snapshot of some of the stuff I will be doing this week.. Okay, this is my sister’s itinerary and she has a fine arts degree and does creative artsy things for a living so substitute drinking or crossfit into any of the museums slots πŸ˜‰ Have a happy Turkey Day y’all!


A Chipper Among Other Things

Well a whole bunch of things have happened since my last post including me being up sick half the night last night… yuck! Stomach … something.

This post might not flow so well but I have been wanting to talk about my new favorite purchase from Sam’s Club. Cocoa Roast Almonds. SO delicious! They taste like cocoa crispies mixed with almonds! So good and good for you.

Next up, the individual hummus containers!

So perfect for snacks at school or on the go!

My birthday happened somewhere in this jumbled mess of a post and it was PERFECT! J took the day off and we spent it at the gym, Nebraska Brew Co., Urban Wine Co., and Blue Sushi. It was fun because in the years past we have not been able to be together on my birthday so it was extra special to have a whole day together!

Oh and I am no longer the only person in America without an iPhone! He bought me the black but I had to go with the white…it is just so cute πŸ™‚ I already have a case ordered (there was an awesome groupon I saw the same day!)

There was a workout on Saturday, a 5 mile run on Sunday.. I am running a 10k this weekend so had to make sure I would survive! It went really well, I have been severely lacking on my running lately but I did a pretty tough course in about 46 minutes. Not the best, but I’ll take it πŸ™‚

Moving right along to yesterday’s Chipppppper. I completed this in 14:10 with red band for pull-ups. I am getting closer to my pull-ups..stay tuned! This was a TOUGH workout. My forearms were burning from all the gripping and I was just trying to get through it. My coach kept telling me “Joanna you are going to break 15min…come on” so I decided to push a little harder. I mostly broke the 100 SDHP and KB swings into few reps but little rest, I don’t usually do that but, like I mentioned, my forearms were like jello. Anyhow, my inner thighs are sore today and it feels good πŸ™‚

I really did have some pictures of meals but my stomach is still rolling and I can’t bear to look at any of them so we will pick up on that note next time!

I am off to find J a birthday present today… his birthday is Thursday and he won’t tell me what he wants! Do you ladies find it hard to shop for men? Or have any suggestions?


Bday Workout + currently watching

The Husker game…. not too pretty. This game is wrapping up here and I kind of just wish it would end.

Warning: there are somehow no photos in this post. I took my camera yesterday but forgot the memory card and am too tired to get any off my phone right now.

My Bday workout consisted of 24-40-60 at the gym with J… get it I turned 24. I thought that was clever. I changed the way I have previously completed this workout for the sake of time.I just did 20 reps of each movement, 40 reps of each, then 60 reps of each.

25lb KB swings
35# pushpress
air squats

Took me about 14 min. I really enjoyed this triplet, it was a lot of reps done quickly but with light weight, those are nice sometimes!

What really bothered me was the guy who came to the area of the gym I was in to talk on his cell phone for 5 minutes and stare blankly at me. HeΒ  then proceeded to jump rope a few reps, a few pushups, a few texts… that drives me NUTS about going to the gym. You came to workout… leave your iphone in the locker room and give your body at least 30min of uninterrupted exercise. I understand being a busy and important person (okay let’s be serious, I don’t understand being that busy or important) but seriously!

Is this just my pet peeve or does that bother other people?

Birthday update complete with photos coming tomorrow!! πŸ™‚